At the moment this is mainly a place for my book reviews that I've also posted on and some infrequent ramblings about life, love and everything...
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
The Discreet Witch: A Walk in the Garden--Beltane
The Discreet Witch: A Walk in the Garden--Beltane: My garden and I have a love/hate relationship most of the time, so I tend to forget to appreciate the simple gifts it gives. But springti...
The Discreet Witch: Who Is The Discreet Witch?
The Discreet Witch: Who Is The Discreet Witch?: The Discreet Witch is the pagan blogchild of a long-time pagan with entirely too much free time on her hands. Having grown up with a Dabble...
Monday, 30 March 2015
Manday Hotties!!
Hello my lovely followers,
One of my favourite paranormal romance authors, Felicity Heaton , posts delicious pictures of very delectable male specimens every Monday, calling it Manday Hotties. I’ve joined her “Manday Hotties Blog Hop” to share the love ;-)
I’ve got a soft spot for dark haired males and stunning eyes are definitely my weakness.
This week I’ve found these two mouthwatering males...
What do you think?

Have a Happy Monday, and I hope you're week is off to a great start.
Felicity Says:
Anyone is welcome to participate in the Manday Hotties weekly blog hop. I’ve kept the requirements simple so we can all just have some fun. You just have to follow the rules below which boil down to sign up and then find a hot man picture to post come Monday!
Why has Manday become a blog hop? Well, I was speaking to some fellow bloggers who are like me and post a hottie every week. We’re basically a bunch of paranormal romance ladies who think seeing hot men on a Monday morning is a great start to the week! We were sure that most of you feel the same, so we put together this hop so we can all enjoy the excellent array of hotties in the world.
So lovely followers, why not visit the other sites taking part in Felicity's tasty mancandy hop!
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One of my favourite paranormal romance authors, Felicity Heaton , posts delicious pictures of very delectable male specimens every Monday, calling it Manday Hotties. I’ve joined her “Manday Hotties Blog Hop” to share the love ;-)
I’ve got a soft spot for dark haired males and stunning eyes are definitely my weakness.
This week I’ve found these two mouthwatering males...
What do you think?

Have a Happy Monday, and I hope you're week is off to a great start.
Felicity Says:
Anyone is welcome to participate in the Manday Hotties weekly blog hop. I’ve kept the requirements simple so we can all just have some fun. You just have to follow the rules below which boil down to sign up and then find a hot man picture to post come Monday!
Why has Manday become a blog hop? Well, I was speaking to some fellow bloggers who are like me and post a hottie every week. We’re basically a bunch of paranormal romance ladies who think seeing hot men on a Monday morning is a great start to the week! We were sure that most of you feel the same, so we put together this hop so we can all enjoy the excellent array of hotties in the world.
So lovely followers, why not visit the other sites taking part in Felicity's tasty mancandy hop!
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Sunday, 29 March 2015
Sexual Bucket List (Part 6)
Sexual Bucket List (Part 6)
So, here we go again but sadly, for the final time, here is the final installment from the sexual bucket list that I like from the Good To Know website.
Perform a striptease
Perform a
striptease for your
partner - we bet he'll think he's the luckiest man alive. If you're feeling
self conscious about your body, dim the lights and remember he'll be loving the
fact that you're doing this for him and won't even notice any of your lumps and
Use a sex toy with your partner
a sex toy with your partner might sound a bit scary to start with
but, it's a great way to spice up your love life and can be really fun -
just don't bring out your biggest toy, or your man might feel intimidated.
Have sex in your parent's bed
What they
don't know won't hurt them, right? Having sex in your parent's bed will
give you an extra naughty thrill.
Sex when other people are in the room
Having sex
when other people are in the room will give both of you an extra thrill -
the excitement of knowing any of them could find out at any time will intensify
the enjoyment.
Have sex on a train
Ever been on
a long and boring train journey? What better entertainment is there than
having sex? So ditch the book and head to the toilet with your partner - it'll
make the journey go a lot quicker and the rocking motion of the train will
increase the pleasure for both of you.
Sex in broad daylight
You might
feel most comfortable having sex under a duvet in the pitch black, but lose
your inhibitions and try sex in broad daylight! If you're nervous about your
lumps and bumps you can always leave some items of clothing on (especially if
you're in public). Go on, give it a go - we dare you!
Turn up at your partner's house wearing nothing but a coat
If you don't
live with your other half, turn up at your partner's house wearing nothing
but a coat when they think you're just popping round to watch a film. The
coat won't stay on long and your partner will think all his Christmases have
come at once.
Anal sex
This one
isn't for everyone but if you're intrigued as to what anal sex
would feel like, then try it with a partner who you trust. It'll be a
completely different feeling to that of normal sex (and one you might like),
just make sure you use lots of lubrication to make it feel more comfortable.
Be a sexual slave for the night
Whether it's
you or your partner who's going to be the sexual slave for the night,
you'll have to do everything you're told for the whole time.
Make sure you set some boundaries before you get going so you don't end up doing something you're not comfortable with.
Make sure you set some boundaries before you get going so you don't end up doing something you're not comfortable with.
Send a naked photo
Sending a naked
photo is a great way to get your other half excited about seeing you and
it'll build the anticipation for you, too. But, if you are thinking of sending
a racy photo then make sure it's to someone you completely trust - and
remember, you don't have to include your face for it to be effective.
…So, we’ve reached the end of the 50
suggestions that are listed on the Good To
website. I hope you’re enjoying them as much as I am.
Saturday, 28 March 2015
Sexual Bucket List (Part 5)
Sexual Bucket List (Part 5)
So, here we go again. The penultimate installment from the sexual bucket
list that I like from the Good To Know website.
As I said last time, I like it because it’s not just about kinky or weird new ways to have sex or features strange or obscure fetishes but the things that they suggest on this list are definitely do-able in my world. Fantasies can become our reality… are we a little braver yet?
Have sex in your partner's office
If you love
the excitement that comes with the risk of being caught at it, then having
sex in your partner's office has definitely got to be on your list. Just
check there's no one working late or any CCTV cameras recording your passionate
Both women
and men can enjoy a bit of light spanking during sex and there's
scientific proof why. When you're turned on, your body releases endorphins that
make stinging slaps feel really pleasurable - so, if you've not tried it, give
it a go!
Have sex in a car
in a car might
sound like it's from a movie script but it's one fantasy that's on most
people's sex bucket list. As long as
you're in a quiet area where you won't be seen and you watch out for the gear
stick, it's a great way to inject some passion into your love life.
Kiss a girl
If the idea
of kissing a girl really turns you off, then this is probably one
to avoid. But, if you've always wondered what it would feel like to have a
lesbian experience or you're just intrigued then, give it a go. You never
know, you might like it. We bet a million pounds your other half will if he's
invited to watch!
Wear nothing but heels in bed
If you feel
at your sexiest in a pair of heels then why take them off when you get
in the bedroom? Keeping your heels on will make you look and feel great
- sounds good to us.
Sex with someone younger than you
Every woman
should have sex with a younger guy. They'll be energetic and open to
trying lots of things - and you might learn something new too.
Tantric sex
If it's good enough for Sting, then it's good enough for us.
Tantric sex takes a lot of practice but it's basically slowing
everything down and ultimately bringing you closer to your lover. Worth a try!
Sex whilst sat on a washing machine
The extra
vibrations you'll feel whilst having sex whilst sat on a washing machine will
help you achieve a mind-blowing orgasm.
Cyber sex
Send sexy
emails throughout
the day with your partner and explain what you want to do to them when you get
home. The build-up and anticipation will make the resulting sex explosive.
Sex in a lift
This would
have to be the ultimate quickie, but sex in a lift or even a blow
job or fingering in a lift will leave you and your partner feeling really
hot. Plus, the risk of getting caught will make it all the more exciting.
…so, that’s all you’re getting for
now; quite enough to get the imagination whirling, eh?! Lol!
We’re almost at the end of the 50 suggestions that are listed; I hope you’re enjoying them as much as I am.
AVENGERS 2 Age of Ultron Movie Clip "Lifting Thor's Hammer"
I love this, watching the avengers try to lift Thor's Hammer ... why can't they? ....
Friday, 27 March 2015
Sexual Bucket List (Part 4)
Sexual Bucket List (Part 4)
So, here we go again. The next installment from the sexual bucket list
that I like from the Good To Know website.
As I said last time, I like it because it’s not just about kinky or weird new ways to have sex or features strange or obscure fetishes but the things that they suggest on this list are definitely do-able in my world. Fantasies can become my reality; I can even cross some of them off already!!
Sex with a foreigner
you're abroad and end up meeting a gorgeous foreign speaking man or you're at
home, sex with someone who doesn't speak the same language as you, is
thrilling. The fact you're communicating on a purely physical level will make
the experience very intense.
Play strip poker
Turn off
Corie, get a pack of playing cards out and have a game of strip poker. Play
with your other half and some close friends, and you won't be losing any money
- only some items of clothing. You and your man won't be able to keep your
hands off each other when your guests have left!
Text foreplay
Everyone loves long, romantic sex; but quick
'I-want-you-right-now' sex can be just as fun. Send your other half text
messages throughout the day explaining what you want to do to them that night.
You'll both be so turned-on by the time you see each other, there won't be time
for real foreplay!
Use blindfolds
Using blindfolds is
a great way to spice up your love life - there's nothing more exciting
than not knowing where you're going to be touched next. Take it in turns with
your partner to be blindfolded and try a silky material for an extra soft feel.
Use food or drink in the bedroom
yourself up some dinner, on your partner's body! It's really sensual
eating off someone's body and a great way to explore every inch of each other.
Have sex in every room of your house
If you own a
home together then do the right thing and have sex in every room! You'll
end up with loads of naughty memories that no-one else will know about.
A 69er isn't the easiest thing to master
(or the most ladylike to be honest!) but once you get the hang of it, you won't
look back.
Tip: If your guy's on top then don't try and take the entire shaft in your mouth, instead lick and kiss the head of his penis and use your hands to pleasure him too.
Tip: If your guy's on top then don't try and take the entire shaft in your mouth, instead lick and kiss the head of his penis and use your hands to pleasure him too.
Have sex in a forest
Get back to
nature and head
out for a long walk in your local woods with your other half. Who can blame you
if you need a little lie down half way round? (Just make sure it's secluded!)
Have a one-night-stand
a one-night-stand is exciting and the thrill of being with someone
new will be such a turn on. Make sure you tell one of your friends where you
are, though, to stay safe.
Sex in a public toilet
Sex in a
public toilet might
not sound like the most romantic affair but when you're in need of a quickie,
you've got to be imaginative. Be sure to wash your hands after!
…so, that’s all you’re getting for
now; quite enough to get the juices going, eh?! Lol!
Over the rest of the week I’m going to continue to post the 50 suggestions that they list, a few at a time, it would be a huge post if I did it all in one go.
I’ll use the tag
#SexualBucketList so you can keep them together… after all building
anticipation is all part of the fun.
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