Friday, 31 July 2015

A Challenge to Read More... Monthly Reading Challenge ~ July 2015

Since joining I have found many “new to me” authors and series. 
I took the site’s general “2014 Reading Challenge” and have signed up again this year. In addition to that I decided to sign up for a few reading challenges that the groups I belong to set. 

“Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy” Group is for the discussion and recommendation of paranormal romances and paranormal erotic romance, along with urban fantasy, science fiction, futuristic, and fantasy romance. If you love vampires, werewolves, and hot faery men, this is the group for you. Join up and discuss your favourite books!

If you have questions or concerns, please contact a mod other than Pamela. She unfortunately doesn't have a lot of goodreads time at the moment, and you'll get a quicker response from another mod. Thanks!

We recommend members be over 18, since we do discuss books with adult content, but this is not strictly enforced. Please be aware that there will be adult discussion in this group!
This post is all about the monthly reading challenge that the “Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy” Group have set…

This is an oldie but a goodie, and is fairly easy to find books to fit. Something that I'm sure we all appreciate as the heat starts to get to us. Plus, if we are on vacation, it makes it easy to pick your books.

July’s Alphabet Challenge Character’s First or Last Name must start with one of the letters given:

AB – Sofie Braun – “Storm Shades (Alpha Love #1) by Olivia Stephens
CD – Jade Crow  “Justice Calling (The Twenty-Sided Sorceress #1)” by Annie Bellet
EFG – Elizabeth (Liz) Monroe – “Incubus Among Us (Shifter Romance #1)” by
Mac Flynn
HIJ – DCI Arianwen Harris - “Vigilante of Shadows (Scarlet Rain Series #1)” by 

Miranda Stork
KLM – Kristina (Kris) Heskin – “Creatus – They Exist (The Creatus Series #0.5)”  by Carmen DeSousa
NOP – Mary O’Reilly – “Loose Ends (A Mary O’Reilly Paranormal Mystery Book 1)” by Terri Reid
QR – Ryder (Gilbert Ryder) Thompson – “Reaper’s Deliverance (The Grim Alliance #1)” by Miranda Stork
STU – Liz Stokes - “Vampire Dead-tective (Dead-tetective #1)” by Mac Flynn
VW -  Jacky Waterman – “A Solstice with Jacky Waterman (The Watermen Series #1) by Carmen DeSousa
XYZ – Yvaine (the Fallen Star) – “Stardust” by Neil Gaiman

My Book Montage!

Justice Calling
Christmas with Jacky Waterman
They Exist
Incubus Among Us #1
Loose Ends
Storm Shades
Vigilante of Shadows
Reaper's Deliverance

See *flora*'s favourite books »

I love these reading challenges, as my regular followers will know – just search my site for reading challenges and see how many results you get!! Lol!

Reading challenges are a fun way to “force” us to look further than our noses, to look past those tried and trusted authors and genres that we always read and step into the world of the unknown… we may experience disappointment but we could discover a new “favourite” author and a plethora of new worlds, characters and tales to sink our teeth into! 
Isn’t it worth the risk?

Saturday, 18 July 2015

A challenge to read more... Reading Rainbow (part 3)

Since joining I have found many “new to me” authors and series. I took the site’s general “2014 Reading Challenge” and have signed up again this year. In addition to that I decided to sign up for a few reading challenges that the groups I belong to have set it’s members. This post is all about the annual reading challenge that the “Urban Fantasy” Group have set for the whole of this year (2015)…

Your goal: 7 to 38 books, depending on your level

Duration: January 1 – December 31, 2015 (Honestly, I originally designed this to be an open-ended challenge that would take however long you need to complete it. So if December rolls around and we’re still not done, we could roll it over into next year.)

The rules:
- This challenge is divided into four parts. You may choose to do all parts or only one, two or three parts.
- The books may be from any genre, unless specified otherwise in a category.
- Re-reads are allowed as are books used for other challenges.
- You may post your list up front or as you go and you may make changes as you go.
Choose your level:
Fingerpaint – Any one part
Watercolour – Any two parts
Acrylic – Any three parts
Oil – All four parts

PART ONE ~ Complete!
PART TWO ~ Complete!

PART THREE ~ 12 books (2 for each colour)

1. Red is the international colour for stop.
Read the last book in a series or trilogy. (The most recent release in an ongoing series will also count.)
The Fate Series: Complete Box Set (Fate #1-3) by S.Simone Chavous

2. Red is an auspicious colour for marriage. Brides in India and Nepal wear red saris; in Japan, a red kimono symbolizes happiness and good luck. Read a book in which a wedding takes place OR there is a wedding themed item in the title or on the cover.
Sinjin (Bryn & Sinjin #1) by H.P. Mallory

1.In Japan, yellow often represents courage.
Read a book featuring a kick-butt female character.
Shadows and Gold (Elemental Legacy #0.5) by Elizabeth Hunter

2. Yellow is the colour most often associated with the deity in many religions (e.g. Hinduism and Ancient Egypt) Read a book including a god, gods, or god-like characters or the people who worship them.
Hounded (The Iron Druid Chronicles #1) by Kevin Hearne

1. Blue is the #1 favourite colour of all people! Read a book from one of your favourite series.
Taken by a Dragon (Eternal Mates #7) by Felicity Heaton

2. Blue jeans are worn all over the world and a dark blue suit is professional business attire. Read a book with a denim-clad character on the cover OR a sharp businessman in the story.
Justice Calling (The Twenty-Sided Sorceress #1) by Annie Bellet

1. Green is universally associated with nature.
Read a book with characters trying to protect/preserve wildlife or nature OR read a book with a character that can control or influence nature (This could include anything from controlling weather, making plants grow, or communicating with animals).
Storm Shades (Alpha Love #1) by Olivia Stephens

2. Traffic lights are green all over the world. Read the first book in a new-to-you series.
Forbidden Forest (The Legends of Regia #1) by Tenaya Jayne

1. Among Mediterranean people, purple was reserved for emperors and popes. The Japanese christened it “Imperial Purple”
Read a book featuring a character who is a member of royalty OR with a royal title in the title or series name. For example: (queen, prince, duke, emperor, raja, etc.)
Claimed by a Demon King (Eternal Mates #2) by Felicity Heaton

2. Purple is the colour of mourning or death in many cultures (U.K., Italy, Thailand, Brazil)
Read a book in which a character dies.
Fear The Light: Who Murdered Dracula by William Massa

1. Orange is the colour of life rafts, hazard cones, and high visibility police vests.
Read a book featuring a police officer or a book in which a character’s life is saved.
The Library: Where life checks out by Carmen DeSousa

2. The middle traffic light is orange in France.
Read a “middle” book in any series (any book other than the first or last/most recent release)
The Council (Darkness #5) by K.F. Breene

So, have you read any of these books? Are you doing this challenge too? I found this part of the Rainbow Challenge the most fun - having to find a book that fit in with the challenge! 

As always you can click on the authors' names to go to their own websites and you can see my reviews on Goodreads, some stories I really liked and some not as much but it made me source books that I would have missed if left to my own devises. Remember, a favourite author, book or series could be just around the corner.....

I will continue to post more as I complete each section with the tag/label #ReadingRainbowYearlyChallenge2015 to make it easier for you to find the relevant posts - part 4 is all about the name of the main character starting with the same letter as the colours of the rainbow....