Saturday, 24 May 2014

Flora Reviews... The Ghost and The Graveyard (Knight Games #1) by Genevieve Jack

...So what’s this book about?
Our heroine is, Grateful Knight, a twenty-two year old nurse who has recently found herself heavily in debt caused by her last boyfriend, Gary, who stole all of her money and so can no longer afford to live in the city. Luckily, her Dad is an estate agent and lets her live rent free in one of the properties on his books. The downside is that the house is on the edge of the oldest cemetery in Red Grove and is haunted but the house turns out to be not only her solution to regain her solvent future but the key to secrets in her past.
Grateful’s love life also gets more complicated when she meets Rick, the cemetery’s sexy caretaker and Logan, a passionate ghost who lived in her attic. Enter the love triangle!
This is the first book in the Knight Games series.

 ...So, what did I like about it?
Genevieve Jack’s writing style was easy and enjoyable to read. I liked the way she created the history of the graveyard, the Monk’s Hill witch and her Caretaker. The mix of action, sex and pace throughout the book kept me reading as the story unfolded. My favourite character was Grateful’s best friend, and fellow nurse, Michelle. She is the sort of best friend that every woman should have; she was supportive but gave good level headed advice when Grateful needed it! I felt that both of Grateful’s love interests, Rick and Logan, were anything but pearly white which I liked; after all, the world isn’t black and white but myriad shades of grey!

...So, ummm, was there anything I disliked about it?  
To be honest, there was more that I didn’t like about this story than liked so I’ll keep to my main gripes. I suppose my biggest problem was that I didn’t connect to the main character which meant that I didn’t get involved in her story. I found Grateful Knight fickle, gullible, naive and, to be honest, a bit slow on the uptake, was this Genevieve Jack’s intention? I don’t know but these character flaws tainted my enjoyment. I’ve since found out that Mrs Jacks writes YA stories and although this book had the warning “The Ghost and The Graveyard is a funny, exciting, and sexy read intended for adults. Due to sexual content, language, and violence this book is recommended for ages 18+I felt that this warning was just a bit of PR fluff to entice us in as I feel that the way the characters in this book have been written, how the various relationships develop and a great deal of the language (euphemisms) feel better suited for a YA story. Yes, the sex scenes were many, graphic and quite descriptive but I didn’t feel they were written well, they felt a bit “jumpy” to me; I’m sure that Mrs Jack’s skill at writing sex scenes and will improve the more she writes them. 

...So, basically what I’m saying is...
I downloaded this book because it was free on Amazon UK, the blurb sounded good and the book cover further convinced me that this would be the sort of story that I'd enjoy reading. I had nothing to lose but my time. Sadly, it didn’t live up to my expectations and I won’t be downloading the next book in this series. I’m in my early forties, so perhaps it’s an age thing. If you’re in your early twenties and like unusual love triangles, magic, ghosts, vampires, witches and things that go bump in the night, it might appeal to you.

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